What Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You About Bitcoin
Bitcoin effectively created a way for consumers to send money over IP, similar to how tools such as WhatsApp allow for text messaging over IP, and Skype allows for voice over IP. To many people, the concept of Bitcoin as a whole is incredibly difficult to grasp. It all comes down to how one looks at Bitcoin, as there are various angles to this technological marvel. A lot of people see Bitcoin as just another form of money, which begs the question as to how they can use this innovative payment over IP tool to their benefit. Consumers can benefit from digital currency in multiple ways, and....
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Even though mainstream media outlets earn good money by spreading the news to the general population, not all of their news is based on research, facts, or truths. After all, negative news will sell more papers or online subscriptions whereas positive news is read once and then forgotten about. Mainstream media has never been keen on Bitcoin and digital currency unless they were able to spread misconceptions or create negative press that was based on speculation. The popular digital currency has seen various iterations of attacks by mainstream media throughout the years, but journalists....
The mainstream media has played an important role in Bitcoin adoption. It has made the cryptocurrency famous while making people think twice before using it. Bitcoin has had its share of bad press, which it continues to attract. The core proposition of Bitcoin has always been about the democratization of financial system and financial independence, free from the influence of banks and governments. But, it took a “Silk Road” to make it popular or infamous, depending on whom one asks. Mainstream media has the habit of chasing one controversy after another. In their hunt for steamy, clickbait....
Since bitcoin’s significant price rise over the past couple of months, the digital asset has gained attention from the mainstream media. Lots of them have been quite optimistic and have described the cryptocurrency in a positive light. However, just recently a couple of mainstream publications have tried once again to downplay bitcoin existence.....
Bitcoin and the media have not always been on the best of terms. For one thing, mainstream media of the digital currency has not always been plentiful, and when the media does make time for bitcoin, it can sometimes be distorted or off the mark, or just plain short. Furthermore, the idea that bitcoin is completely anonymous and untraceable and therefore continually used in crime syndicates is also allegedly attributed to the media constantly spreading the word so, but the anonymity behind bitcoin is not entirely factual. Blockchain transactions can be traced (Ross Ulbricht and the Silk....
Whenever I need a laugh, I read a mainstream publication's assessment of Bitcoin, from the outside looking in. Many are merely mouthpieces, printed microphones for the current ruling global elite. They tell the masses what to believe, give them ten percent of the story, from the current ruler's purview, and then call it a day. Television, print media, cable, it's all the same. And that's why ad revenue, viewership, and circulations are dropping in mainstream media worldwide. The smart investment for your media time is online, alternative media, like CCN, for example. Things here will....