Explaining Bitcoin to the Masses: A Glass Box Analogy
Since I first got involved in Bitcoin, I’ve sought a simple means of explaining Bitcoin and the technology that underpins it, the Blockchain, to my friends and family, looking for a simple yet true-to-life analogy that illustrates something so complex. My understanding of the actual technological aspects of them is somewhat limited, so forgive the fact that this analogy inevitably has its own limitations, but I hereby present it to you - the glass deposit box analogy. Addresses, keys and the Blockchain. One of the first things people ask me when I talk to them about Bitcoin is, ‘if it’s on....
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Another brand new product hot off the shelf works with Google Glass and allows consumers to pay with Bitcoin by simply nodding twice. This technology is called EAZE, and is supported by software that matches the name. Paying with Bitcoin just got easier. Imagine sitting in your favorite restaurant and instead of being presented with a check, you are presented with a QR-Code to complete your transaction, without interrupting your conversation. Simply say "make a payment" and EAZE recognizes the command, scans the code via Google Glass and pays directly from your Bitcoin wallet. EAZE....
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