Wall Street Blockchain Alliance Eyes Economic Empowerment
The Wall Street Blockchain Alliance, a non-profit advocacy group for distributed ledger technology has announced two new working committees, each chaired by noteworthy industry experts. One of the committees is working toward economic inclusion of the unbanked. The Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA), an advocacy group that promotes digital currencies’ and distributed-ledger technologies’ adoption in financial markets has announced the launch of two new working committees. They are – a Regulatory & Compliance committee and an Economic Inclusion Working Committee. Ron Quaranta, WSBA....
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Wall Street has been embracing the latest wave of Silicon Valley financial tech at a fast rate. Over the past several months, many Wall Street Financial companies have embraced the new wave fintech enterprises with remarkable speed. The blockchain an online ledger that tracks the movement of digital currency, but it can also be used to manage, register and secure anything else that has value. Wall Street companies seem to have seen the true potential of the blockchain technology and many are now rushing to invest and develop new applications with this new technology. Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan....
It would be just lovely to say that Bitcoin is the economic revolution founded and funded by libertarians and economic idealists worldwide. That may have indeed been Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision back in 2008. However, where the rubber meets the road has proven far different than this altruistic vision. Wall Street Sharks Dive Into Bitcoin. The vast majority of all Bitcoin trades are done by people just for the sake of making a trade, to drive down a price of exchange, or to “beat the street.” To many, Bitcoin is just a new market ripe for market manipulation. Un(der)regulated, global, still....