MasterCard and TransferWise Executives Debate Blockchain Disruption at Davos
Blockchain technology has been a huge topic of conversation at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and the subject was brought up by TechCrunch’s Matt Burns during a panel that featured TransferWise co-founder and CEO Taavet Hinrikus and MasterCard President of International Markets Ann Cairns. Both participants on the panel seemed to....
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Euro and bitcoin payment processor Cashila has hinted that Transferwise has decided to block deposits to its bank accounts. Transferwise is a traditional money transfer service which gained popularity promising cheaper money transfers. Cashila users often use it to deposit funds into their accounts and to ICONOMI, its ether-based service. As a result, it surprised Cashila when one of its users complained that it was no longer possible to send funds to the processor through Transferwise. Cashila stated on its website: Transferwise did not notify us beforehand of their decision. We....
Back in 2013, TransferWise had stopped processing transfers to Bitcoin exchanges. The money transfer service however was extremely apologetic, and simply blamed their banks for making them take such a "heart-breaking" decision, saying: "The banks - just like everyone else in the sector - are nervous because they don't know what to think of Bitcoin. The regulators and politicians' silence on the topic leaves us all in the dark." TransferWise was visibly sandwiched between its very own morals and the bankers' muscles. The UK-based firm had always supported the digital currency technology,....