Bitcoin Price Watch; Switching Things Up
Here's what we are looking at this morning in the bitcoin price out of Europe It is the end of the week, and we are going to mix things up a little bit for our first analysis out of Europe today. Price has been pretty volatile overnight, and this has necessitated that we narrow our timeframe (from the usual 15-minute candlestick chart to the five-minute candlestick chart). This means we can take advantage of the shorter-term volatility and – also – helps us to align our predefined range a little more accurately. So, with this said, and as we head into today’s European morning session,....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. The middle of the week is almost upon us, and things haven’t gone great so far. We’re not down on the markets or anything – we’re actually a little bit up on our Monday balance – but things have been incredibly dull. When we get action like this, all we can really do is sit and wait, maybe dabble with an attempt at a fundamental bias for a bit of variety. The thing is, you only really realize it when you pull out of the intraday charts a little, but despite everything that’s going on as part of the underlying....
Here is our slightly altered (but hopefully just as effective) bitcoin price watch intraday strategy for Friday's European session. Those who have followed along with our bitcoin price watch pieces over the last few weeks will have noticed a common thread running through our strategy. We’ve been defining relatively tight ranges and skipping in and out of the markets with these ranges on breakout scalp trades. It’s been somewhat effective but there have been some pretty frustrating periods through which we’ve had to sit and stay net flat in the markets. Well, to mix things up a little....
We're switching things up a little for our last analysis of the week... Here's how. For our final analysis of the week, we’re going to mix things up and make this evening’s trading a little more interesting. This morning we noted that the likely best approach was going to be an intrarange one, based on the sideways trading we’ve seen in the bitcoin price since Wednesday evening’s decline. Action today, has vindicated this suggestion, by remaining well encased between the two parameters (support and resistance) that define today’s range. We got into a trade on a bounce from support a little....
Here's what we are going to watch for tonight's session in the bitcoin price. Before we get started on this evening’s analysis, there are two things worth pointing out from this morning’s publication. The first, that we remain well within the range we slated, which likely means that we’ve seen the end of last’s night’s decline, at least temporarily. Second, that we did get a brief correction, and we managed to pick out the reversal point almost to the cent. Bragging rights aside, why is this important? Well, it validates our upside key level (i.e. resistance) and suggests there’s probably....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. So that’s another weekend out of the way, and considering what we saw in the bitcoin price heading into the close of the week last week, things we’re relatively flat. In the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch pieces on Friday, we noted that there looked to be plenty of volume pushing the markets throughout the day, and that this might be indicative of some weekend long volatility. As it turned out, this wasn’t the case. Things remained pretty inactive (at least, that is, from a price perspective) and we....