Bitcoin Price Watch; Our Weekend Trades in Focus

Bitcoin Price Watch; Our Weekend Trades in Focus

Here's what we are looking at this evening in the bitcoin price out of Europe Here we are, that time of the week again. The close of the Friday session out of Europe, and as such, time for the final of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analyses for the week. All said, it’s been a pretty wild week. We’ve had a nice combination of sideways, intrarange action (from which we drew a couple of nice profits earlier on in the week by way of our intrarange strategy) and sustained volatility, again from which we managed to get some decent breakout entries. We noted this morning that the overnight....

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Bitcoin Price Watch: The Weekend Ahead...

A little earlier on this morning, we published our twice daily bitcoin price watch piece. In the piece we outlined the levels we were looking to watch in the bitcoin market throughout Friday's session, and stated that - if we got the volatility we were looking for - we would look to enter according to our breakout strategy in an attempt to draw a short term scalp profit on the action. Action has now matured throughout the day, and we are heading into the close of the European session and the beginning of the weekend. In the majority of other financial assets, markets would be pitching to....

Bitcoin Price Watch: Volatility Rules!

At the end of last week, we published our twice-daily bitcoin price watch piece. In the piece, we highlighted a few of the key levels that we would be keeping an eye on in the bitcoin price over the weekend, and suggested how we would respond to price breaking or reaching these levels as far as entering on our intraday scalp strategy was concerned. Now action has matured over the weekend and we have seen quite a lot of volatility so, with this said, what are we watching today, and how might we draw profit from the market throughout the European session? Take a quick look at the chart. As....

Bitcoin Price Watch; Close of the Week Targets

Here’s what we are focusing on for this morning’s session in the bitcoin price. It’s Friday morning, and that means we’ve come to the penultimate of our twice-daily be quite bitcoin price watch pieces for the week. Despite having a pretty volatile weekend last week, price throughout the majority of this week has been pretty stable, having ranged between a relatively tight and constrained set of parameters to this point. Action overnight gave us a little bit to look at, however, and we now have a fresh and very tradable range heading into this morning’s session. So, as we get going, here....