Zcash, a Privacy-Focused Alternative to Bitcoin, Launches Technology Preview
In September 2015 Bitcoin Magazine reviewed a conversation with legendary cryptographer Adam Back on the Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast, hosted by Trace Mayer. Back is known as the inventor of Hashcash, the proof-of-work system used by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as part of the mining algorithm, one of the authors of the Bitcoin Sidechains white paper....
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In January, Bitcoin Magazine reported that a public alpha technology preview of Zcash, “a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency that aims to set a new standard for privacy and anonymity through the use of groundbreaking cryptography,” had been released on Github. Zcash offers total payment confidentiality, while maintaining a decentralized network using a public blockchain. Unlike Bitcoin, Zcash transactions automatically hide the sender, recipient and value of all transactions on the blockchain. Only those with the correct view key can see the contents. Users have complete control....
The biggest Ask-Me-Anything event in the history of Bitcoin will host its latest session with Zooko Wilcox, CEO of Zcash starting Monday, Feb 1 at 19:00 UTC. Formerly know as Zerocoin and Zerocash, Zcash is a privacy-focused Bitcoin alternative, some of whose advisors include Bitcoin Foundation’s Chief Scientist, Gavin Andresen and Ethereum Chief....
The October 28 launch of Zcash has increased the community interest in the privacy-focused cryptocurrency. As Bitcoin Core prepares its own privacy feature Mimblewimble, Zcash hopes to become the first cryptocurrency that is “all about privacy.” Founded by cryptography expert Zooko Wilcox and advised by prominent figures including Vitalik Buterin, Zcash is a cryptocurrency based on an innovative cryptography called zkSNARKs. Initially, the concept of Zcash was introduced by Wilcox to provide a sense of anonymity between senders, receivers, and the value of transactions. Moreso, the....
In the game of anonymity, cryptocurrency fans have embraced Bitcoin and the blockchain technology which drives it. The technology does record and stamp the transaction, and is placed in the cloud, unlike Zcash, which sees its alpha release. Zcash has coded a decentralized network using a public blockchain. He and his team, a group of cryptologists, computer science and information security academics, have launched the first public alpha release of the world’s best effort to date of untraceable digital money. Wilcox’s Zcash, a “zero-knowledge proof” alternative to bitcoin, publishes its....
ShapeShift.io has integrated Zcash, the consumer privacy-focused digital asset, into its blockchain exchange platform. Customers can now buy or sell Zcash instantly along with bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum and dozens of other digital assets. Zcash for the first time offers selective transparency of transactions. Its cryptography can hide the sender, recipient, and value of all transactions on the blockchain, providing total payment confidentiality. Its protocol makes blockchains useful for a range of applications that clear-text, fully transparent blockchains cannot be used for, including....