Caricoin Launches Social BTC Platform for Caribbean’s Unbanked
UK-based Caricoin has officially launched its all-in-one mobile bitcoin wallet with BitGo, designed specifically for the Caribbean market. Caricoin: ‘Social Workflow’. The company, which has offices in Jamaica and seeks to provide banking to the 50 percent of Caribbeans with no banking access, announced the launch in a press release Thursday. “Much in....
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Bitcoin startup Caricoin recently announced the launch of a social mobile money platform for the Caribbean. UK-based Caricoin has released a mobile wallet in collaboration with leading Blockchain security company, BitGo, which will provide Caribbean users with the ability to send and receive money where traditional banking is limited. The wallet combines elements of social messaging platforms with payment via Bitcoin, allowing senders and receivers to talk to each other with the option to top-up mobile phones with prepaid minutes within the Caribbean. Speaking to CoinTelegraph, Karsten....
U.K.-based Bitcoin startup Caricoin recently announced the launch of a Bitcoin wallet for the Caribbean. The wallet has been developed in partnership with Palo Alto-based blockchain security company BitGo. According to a press release by the company, the wallet will provide a mobile money solution to users in the Caribbean where access to traditional banking is limited. The wallet combines elements of social messaging platforms with remittance via Bitcoin. It allows senders and receivers to chat with each other and also comes with the ability to top-up mobile phones with prepaid minutes....
Bitcoin startup Caricoin has announced the launch of a bitcoin wallet application that it deems as the first “social mobile money platform” in the Caribbean. UK-based Caricoin Ltd has released a bitcoin wallet as a mobile money solution for Caribbean users. The application and technology has been developed following a partnership with Californian Bitcoin security firm BitGo, an early developer of the multi-signature bitcoin wallet. The app brings together elements of a social messaging platform infused with remittance via bitcoin. The app enables users to gain a bitcoin wallet immediately....
But there is more, as Caricoin allows users to pay for goods and services sold by thousands of online retailers. When looking at things from a broader perspective, there are quite a few digital currency initiatives in circulation already. Caricoin, a project that has not made any headlines outside of the Caribbean, has been pretty successful so far. This Bitcoin wallet solution tailored specifically to the needs of Caribbean users and enterprises helps push Bitcoin adoption n that part of the world to new heights. What makes the Caricoin solution so appealing is how it can be set up by....
London-based Bitcoin wallet company, Caricoin is trying to start up a Bitcoin exchange in Jamaica. Caricoin is pitching to the Bank of Jamaica for support in creating their Caribbean exchange which aims to merge Bitcoin with the Caribbean banking system. The BoJ proposal. Till date, Caricoin does not have an official proposal and is currently working on putting it together. They hope that the BoJ will embrace Bitcoin as other banks have with its technology which could put the Bank of Jamaica in a good position to develop Blockchain-based Fintech solutions with a Caricoin-BoJ partnership.....