DAO Hack, Attacker Sends Open Letter to Ethereum Community
The attacker responsible for siphoning off ether from the DAO has sent an open letter defending his actions. The DAO platform was in trouble yesterday, following a hacking incident yesterday the platform is said to have lost about $50 million worth of digital currency. However, there is a good possibility that the stolen ether associated with the DAOs can after all be recovered, preventing huge losses to thousands of investors in the platform. According to a recent update on the Ethereum blog, Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the platform has mentioned that all the investor funds are safe....
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Attacker Reportedly Returns Some Stolen NFTs
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Griff Green, a spokesman for Slock.it, the team which founded the DAO, says in an interview with CoinTelegraph that he is privy to some of the pool operator’s discussions and they “very much back the soft fork.” However, he doubts pool operators are willing to go on record and publicly support the fork. Responding to potential suggestions of negotiation with the attacker, Green stated: “I'm not personally open to negotiations because with a hard fork we can get all of the ETH back to the people who were attacked.” He further added: “I think there is a general consensus in the Ethereum....