US Regulators Recommend Oversight for Bitcoin and Distributed Ledgers
A major financial oversight body within the US government created in the wake of the financial crisis has identified bitcoin and distributed ledger systems in general as a potential systemic risk. The Financial Stability Oversight Committee (FSOC) said in the new report released yesterday that the technology represented an innovation that “appear[s] poised for substantial near-term growth” and that it is reflective of a shifting landscape that merits attention from regulators. As a broad recommendation, the committee said that regulators should prepare to adjust accordingly if the....
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Commissioner J Christopher Giancarlo of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) said today that he believes the government agency should reexamine existing rules as necessary to foster innovation with blockchain technologies. Giancarlo’s remarks on the possibility of revisiting CFTC regulations in light of new blockchain applications came as part of a keynote address at the DTCC Blockchain Symposium today, in which he discussed his view on the implications of blockchain and distributed ledgers for regulators. Evoking comparisons to the Internet, Giancarlo went so far as to suggest....