Brexit or Not, EU is One Pig’s Breakfast Served Lukewarm
Remember Grexit? Think back a bit when the whole world was on their seat’s edge and wondering if Greece will or if they won’t exit the European Union. Well fast forward to today and here we are wondering the same about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Brexit the bogeyman. As a person who was born in a Union (The Indian Union) and who has lived a great part of my life in one, I could tell you a thing or two about these sort of entities. The strain is real. We in India have several states that want to exit as well. In fact the Indian government has been fighting....
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The Vice-Chancellor of Germany has stated that the future of the EU might be in jeopardy if Brexit is not handled properly. Sigmar Gabriel said that, if the United Kingdom’s exit caused other countries to follow suit and leave the Union, that would cause the EU to go “down the drain.” He told a news conference that Brexit had damaged Europe’s reputation, causing the continent to become regarded as being unstable. The UK Prime Minister Theresa May is currently weighing the country’s options regarding the exit vote, while her cabinet remains split on leaving the single market. A last chance....
Another bitcoin price hike is in the books following the unexpected Brexit. At press time, bitcoin has started a recovery and is now hovering around $655 USD. Bitcoin and Brexit. Bitcoin was doing quite well last week, having surpassed the $700 without much trouble, but ironically, things took quite a plunge at the same time that the UK voted to leave the EU. Actually, the two appear to be directly linked. The Brexit is affecting trading across the globe, even if they don’t seem related. For example, bitcoin trading is at its highest in China. At present, the country is responsible for....
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After the Halving and the Brexit Bitcoin remained stable. On the other hand, the pound sterling has been experiencing high levels of volatility. The much anticipated Halving (Reduction in half of the reward given to bitcoin miners) and the Brexit (the exit of the UK from the European Union) are two important events that happened in the middle of this year. Both events brought a lot of speculations, and if we take a look at the behavior of both currencies after these two events, we will note that after the Halving and the Brexit Bitcoin remained stable. On the other hand, the pound sterling....
Following Brexit, the digital currency is expected to rise and cross the $700 mark soon and maybe even touch $800. The value of Bitcoin has shown a significant increase from what it was a couple of days ago, following the Brexit Results. The digital currency, which was exhibiting healthy gains in the past few weeks registered a significant drop during the last weekend, only to get back on its feet after the Brexit results. Bitcoin is being increasingly referred to as a safe haven asset, along the same lines as gold. Both gold and bitcoin are financial instruments, but unlike other....