Decentralized Storage Platform Sia Launches Beta
The decentralized storage platform Sia has announced it will release its beta version shortly with a graphical user interface (GUI) and an instant wallet. The project has been anticipated since late 2015 since the developing team launched the project, which is similar to concepts such as Filecoin and Storj. Sia: Storage the Decentralized Way. The....
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Storj, the decentralized cloud storage platform has launched its beta version in an event at Salt Lake City.
PRESS RELEASE. Decentralized storage is a crucial infrastructure in the technical field. With the Filecoin mainnet launch in October of 2020, Filecoin and IPFS are now leading the decentralized storage field. One of the star projects of the IPFS/Polkadot ecosystem, Crust Network proposes to implement key concepts of Filecoin based on the Substrate technical framework within the Polkadot ecosystem, and also address several design and technical issues of Filecoin. After several rounds of internal testing, Crust Network has launched its Decentralized Storage Market on Crust Apps and opened....
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Decentralized cloud file hosting service operator Sia has announced the launch of an automated peer-to-peer blockchain-based collaborative cloud for data storage, allowing users to create tailored storage plans with robust security protocols. Similar to decentralized storage projects Filecoin and Storj, Sia aims to create a trustless, fault-tolerant, file storage service. The Sia platform stores personal and user data across multiple nodes and tracked by automated smart contracts. Files are protected through a multiple-stage process and encrypted with an algorithm called Twofish. The....