Bitcoin Price Watch; Scalp Profits Ahead
Here’s what we are looking at as we head into a fresh day's trading in the bitcoin price market. Sometimes, short, sharp movements can offer up nice quick turnaround trades for our bitcoin price intraday strategy to take advantage of. After a week of two of strong fundamental shifts, and some technical highlights, we decided to batten down the hatches yesterday evening and tighten things up for a narrow scalp strategy. Things we had a live trade running as we took our positions, and this was a short scalp position with a narrow downside target, entered a little earlier in the day on a....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. In this morning’s analysis, we looked at how the bitcoin price moved overnight last night, and set up a pretty tight range ahead of the open. We looked to trade a breakout scalp strategy and get in for some nice quick profits on volatility. Action has now matured across the session, and it looks as though our approach paid off. Price broke to the upside a little earlier on, and ran up to our predetermined target relatively quickly. It has now corrected a bit, and this has given us a fresh range to go at for this....
Late yesterday evening, we published our twice-daily bitcoin price watch piece. In the piece, we highlighted a few of the key levels that we would be watching as price matured throughout the evening on Wednesday, and suggested how we might respond to price reaching some of reaching these levels in terms of entering according to our scalp strategy and drawing profit from the market. Now the bitcoin price has matured overnight, what are the levels we are keeping an eye on during Thursday's session, and how can we apply our scalp strategy to today's volatility? Take a quick look at the chart....
Here's what we are looking at trading in the markets today, specifically, a bitcoin price scalp strategy. Over the last couple of days, action in the bitcoin price has been relatively flat. We have seen the odd bit of choppy momentum here and there, but nothing sustainable, and this has made it difficult for us to get in and out the markets and draw profits according to our standard intraday breakout strategy. With this in mind, and as we head into the fresh days trading in Europe on Wednesday, we’re going to shuffle things around a bit. Specifically, we’re going to tighten in our intraday....
A scalp pattern has presented itself in the bitcoin price, here's how we are looking to trade it. For this evening’s analysis, we’re going to go at our bitcoin price strategy a little different than normal. A look at the cart below reveals the formation of an upward sloping triangle during the European session, and this has offered up an opportunity to scalp the markets. We can still define a range for the longer term breakout approach, but a few dollar scalp is always a nice quick turnaround position, so as we head into the close of the European session and move into the US afternoon,....
A little earlier on this morning, we published our twice daily bitcoin price watch piece. In the piece we outlined the levels we were looking to watch in the bitcoin market throughout Friday's session, and stated that - if we got the volatility we were looking for - we would look to enter according to our breakout strategy in an attempt to draw a short term scalp profit on the action. Action has now matured throughout the day, and we are heading into the close of the European session and the beginning of the weekend. In the majority of other financial assets, markets would be pitching to....