Eric Lombrozo on 3 Ways to Scale Bitcoin That Don’t Involve the Block Size

Eric Lombrozo on 3 Ways to Scale Bitcoin That Don’t Involve the Block Size

Ciphrex CEO and Bitcoin Core Contributor Eric Lombrozo gave what was perhaps the most in-depth talk at the recent Blockchain Agenda Conference in San Diego. While most of the other presentations and panel discussions focused on topics such as regulation and disruption of traditional financial institutions, Lombrozo’s talk mainly focused on the technical....

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Bitcoin Developer Eric Lombrozo on Five Benefits of Segregated Witness

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Settling the Block Size Debate

This is a guest post by Eric Lombrozo, the Co-CEO and CTO of Ciphrex Corp., a software company pioneering decentralized consensus network technology. Lombrozo is also a founding member of the CryptoCurrency Security Standards Steering Committee and has been a longtime contributor to the open source Bitcoin core development effort. Introduction. In the last few months, a contentious debate has arisen surrounding the issue of a hardcoded constant in the consensus rules of the Bitcoin network. While on the surface it appears to be a simple enough change, this single issue has opened up a....