Hackers Claim Direct Contact With HashOcean, Share Bad News
While a group which claims to be made up of ethical hackers has been on the trail of the suddenly-disappeared HashOcean for over a week, it finally announced the breakthrough that it has had direct contact with the defunct Bitcoin mining company which allegedly dashed away with miners’ investment worth millions of dollars. However, Kypertech’s announcement came with a sad twist to it. As they get the direct contact they have been seeking in a while, it would likely be the closest they could go as the hope of getting deeper to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance is dashed. Hackers’....
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Usual website activities of a major Bitcoin miner Hashocean are nowhere to be found, fuelling suggestions that the cloudminer is a scam. Hashocean to another Ocean’s Trilogy. According to ‘Is It Down Right Now’ which monitors the status of favorite web sites and checks whether they are down or not using the test tool below, as well as graphs and users’ comments, Hashocean has been down for more than five days. A visit to the Hashocean website shows the ‘403 Forbidden cloudflare-nginx’ message. “Hashocean.com is PARKED,” "Is It Down Right Now" says. “The website is either expired....
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