Bitcoin Grows in Colombia with 300 New Coinapult BTMs
Leading Bitcoin broker and wallet service provider Coinapult (coinapult.com) recently announced the deployment of 300 bitcoin-selling ATM locations across Colombia. Where are Coinapult’s Bitcoin-Selling ATMs? While most of these ATMs are located in the capital city of Bogotá, several can be found in smaller cities such as Cúcuta and Pasto. “This....
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Exclusive 20 Minute Interview With Coinapult COO & CFO Justin Blincoe. On Friday November 28, Coinapult re-launched their Bitcoin by SMS service and announced it via a reddit post titled“Send BTC by SMS – a new, global service from Coinapult that operates through plain old txt msg, no need for a data plan. Bitcoin can boldly go where it hasn’t gone before.” The post received 245 comments and 901 upvotes, and theCoinapult SMS walkthrough infographic received 54,093 views.