Bitcoin Price Watch: Live Strategy Plays
Here's a look at the key levels and our strategic approach to intraday volatility in the bitcoin price on Tuesday. At the end of last week, we suggested we might see some sharp action in the bitcoin price over the weekend. As the markets opened in Asia on Sunday night, we did see this action, in the form of a sharp decline on higher than normal sale volume. Yesterday’s action saw the bitcoin price gain a bit of strength, with action closing the gap of the decline and bringing bitcoin to trade at pretty much the same levels it did over the weekend. This sort of volatility can be pretty....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. What can we say about today? The bitcoin price has been pretty erratic over the last forty-eight hours or so. We have attempted to track it and – in turn – trade it across the period in question, but it’s not been easy. Not in the sense that we haven’t been able to get in and out for a profit – our strategy rules make it very difficult NOT to get in and out when action is as up and down as it has been of late – but setting the levels, and making sure our risk reflects the reward we are presenting ourselves with,....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. In yesterday evening’s analysis, we noted that the bitcoin price seems to have settled down a little bit, and that this might indicate some degree of longer-term support. After the recent decline seen across the last week or so, some support is due, because although it seems like things are in freefall right now, they cannot stay that way indefinitely. Markets have to rebalance at some point, and with any luck, we are now approaching the balance point. Of course, it’s impossible to say for sure, but that’s how....
Here's a look at a currently ongoing live trade in the bitcoin price, as well as tonight's strategy in the markets. As I write this, we are a matter of cents away from picking up a nice upside gain in the bitcoin price intraday strategy. In our piece this morning, we outlined the range we were going to focus on for the remainder of the European morning session and the majority of the afternoon’s trading, and that range was broken to the upside a little while ago. Unfortunately, on the first break, the bitcoin price broke back within the range and (just!) took out our stop for a small loss.....
Here's what we are looking to trade in the bitcoin price for this evening's session out of Europe. The European session is now drawing to a close, and its time to perform the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analyses. As we mentioned this morning, action over the weekend was pretty flat – something of an anomaly when considered in line with the sharp, volatile action we’ve seen during the weekend over the last few months. As things have turned out, action throughout today’s session has mirrored that which we saw over the weekend. Specifically, we’ve not really seen any....
Here is our slightly altered (but hopefully just as effective) bitcoin price watch intraday strategy for Friday's European session. Those who have followed along with our bitcoin price watch pieces over the last few weeks will have noticed a common thread running through our strategy. We’ve been defining relatively tight ranges and skipping in and out of the markets with these ranges on breakout scalp trades. It’s been somewhat effective but there have been some pretty frustrating periods through which we’ve had to sit and stay net flat in the markets. Well, to mix things up a little....