Bitcoin Price Watch; Tonight’s Key Levels
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. This morning we noted that action in the bitcoin price was perfect for going at the markets with an intrarange, intraday strategy. We discussed the fact that price seemed to have held pretty flat between two key levels for the last few days, and that by going after these two levels on a bounce/correction strategy might be our best option. As it turns out, we were right. Action has now matured throughout the day, and we managed to get in and out of the markets a couple of times for an intrarange profit based on our....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So that’s another day done in the bitcoin price markets, and the time has come for us to take stock of action throughout the day and see where we can use this action in tonight’s strategy. Things got a little slow overnight, and those that read this morning’s analysis will be aware that we used some slightly longer term levels to set up against the markets this morning, in anticipation of waiting out price action a little bit until we saw some volatility and – more importantly, we got some action we could trade on....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. It’s coming to the end of the European session now, and it is time to take a look at the bitcoin price for the second time today. In this morning’s analysis, we discussed the relatively flat action we have seen across the last few days, and said that we hoped this action would widen out a little bit today and give us something to go at. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. We set our range pretty tight this morning, but even though there was only a few dollars’ worth of space between support and resistance, price....
In this morning’s bitcoin price watch article, we focused on a pretty narrow range in an attempt to combine our intraday breakout strategy with some scalp targets to draw quick profit from the market on any volatility. Action has now matured throughout the session, and we are heading into what looks like its going to be a pretty interesting evening. The Asian session has, over the last few weeks, traditionally been the session that has given us the most gains. This isn’t set in stone, but chances are we will see a continuation of this trend throughout tonight’s trading. If we do, we want....
The European session is drawing to a close, and it’s heading into lunch time in the US. As usual, this means it’s time for the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analysis pieces, so here goes. First, we will have a quick look at what action threw out today, and then we can interpret this action and use it to try and figure out how we can approach this evening’s trading. So, to kick things off, take a quick look at the chart below. It represents action seen during the last 24 or so hours. As the chart shows, volume this morning was pretty low, and price action has remained well....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening OK then. Here goes. Our final look at the bitcoin price for the day, and the penultimate day of the week. It’s not been an overly exciting week by any stretch of the imagination, but we’ve had plenty of opportunities to get in and out of the markets and drawn a few –albeit small – profits from the action we’ve seen, so we can’t really complain. With any luck we’ll get a big close out, and finish the week on a high. We’re not going to witter on about today’s action like we normally do here, as there’s not that much....