MinerGate CEO Opposed Ethereum Hard Fork On Legal, Business And Philosophical Grounds
While most miners supported the Ethereum hard fork to prevent future breaches, Claude Lecomte, CEO at MinerGate, opposed the plan and posted a statement shortly before the hard fork took effect yesterday, claiming it will jeopardize Ethereum on legal, business and philosophical levels. Ethereum holders previously voted for a hard fork to deprive the DAO thief of his ill gains and return the funds to token holders. The hacker was able to penetrate the system and transfer funds from the DAO to a dummy version of the organization to which only the hacker possessed the key. All DAO tokens,....
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Ethereum’s DAO hard fork update landed on GitHub yesterday, allowing users to vote on whether they support the Hard fork that will refund the DAO after the attack that drained around four percent of the total Ethereum (approx. 50 million US dollars worth at the time) in circulation from the smart contract. Ethereum Reaches A Crossroads with Hard Fork Update. This hard fork update, if successful, would wipe one of the biggest failures to happen in the cryptocurrency ecosystem away, giving the people with a stake in The DAO (and others who suffered from the subsequent price depreciation of....