Tumbling Bitcoins: A Guide Through the Rinse Cycle
When it comes to Bitcoin, privacy is a big deal to a lot of people, and it might be because they are partaking in a type of exchange that their government doesn’t agree with. It also might be because certain Bitcoin-related businesses may blacklist you due to using gambling sites. This article is meant to give a few pointers on the various techniques of....
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There’s been no official statements as of yet – but it looks like the Mycelium Wallet will be getting built-in peer-to-peer bitcoin mixing/tumbling later this year. The first testnet transaction from devs went out four days ago, and discussion on internal channels confirms that they’re working on integrating P2P tumbling into their popular Android wallet. P2P Tumbling In Mycelium Pipeline. As for details, so far we know they’re using the CoinShuffle protocol (whitepaper available here) and that it will be integrated into their growing number of peer-to-peer features, including local sales....
You've learned what Bitcoin is and how it works. So now, why not actually start using bitcoins? It's incredibly easy to send and receive BTC, and this guide will show you how to get setup as a regular Bitcoin user or a Bitcoin merchant. Let's get started. Learn how to buy bitcoins here. Your Bitcoin Wallet. As with all forms of currency, you need a place to keep your money. With traditional (fiat) currency, most people keep a small amount of money in a wallet or purse while keeping the rest of their savings at the bank. Let's see how to do something similar with bitcoins. While there are....
Can you make solid parallels between accounting or financial practices in the fiat currency world and the digital currency world? In a less and less private world, is seeking privacy in your digital financial transactions wrong? Can you "launder money" in the digital realm if Bitcoin is not actually, legally money? These grey area questions are coming up more and more as Bitcoin changes the way courts, business, lawyers, and entire countries define money. If you listen to someone explain a Bitcoin transaction tumbling operation, or "Prima facie", a technique that gained global exposure in....
Bitcoins can be obtained in numerous ways, each of which are entirely different from one another. It is important to note that bitcoins are incredibly easy to send. As a result, they take the form of a highly transferable commodity. This is important because, although this guide will walk through ...
2016 is coming to a close, Christmas is coming up and bitcoin is, yet again, one of the year’s best performing assets. So, it’s time to get some gifts. There are lots of bitcoin-themed gifts out there and this gift guide presents some of the more interesting ones. Experience the True Spirit of Bitcoin. BTCC Mint. BTCC is one of the most influential....