Reuters’ World-Check Database Selling for Bitcoin After Breach

Reuters’ World-Check Database Selling for Bitcoin After Breach

According to security researcher and white hat hacker, Chris Vickery, a copy of the World-Check database was leaked online. According to reports, the leaked information is now being sold on the dark net by hackers for a substantial amount of bitcoin. World-Check Database For Sale. The World-Check file cache contains millions of people’s profiles, and of....

Related News Database with 500k Accounts is Being Sold on the Dark Web

The database of, a popular Bitcoin forum founded and moderated by the Reddit Bitcoin moderator Theymos, is being sold on the dark web. In May 2015, BitcoinTalk announced that its server was compromised due to social engineering against ISP NFOrce, a type of confidence trick utilized to gather information, fraud, or a system breach. The database compromised from the 2015 security breach was stolen by the dark web vendor “DoubleFlag,” the same identity initiating the sale of the recently compromised database of Dropbox. The database being sold on the dark web....

Hackers Offer Stolen CNET Database for Bitcoin in Publicity Stunt

A group of Russian hackers that managed to steal CNET's user database has made that information available for bitcoin, in what seems like a publicity stunt. The group, which calls itself 'wOrm', says the database contains the accounts of more than a million users, including their usernames, emails, passwords and other information. The asking price for the source code and the database was 1 BTC, roughly $615 at the time of writing. However, CNET was later told that the group has no plans to decrypt the passwords or to complete the sale of the database. The offer, which was apparently made....

Stolen eBay Database On Sale for Bitcoin is Fake

Earlier this week it was revealed that e-commerce giant eBay fell victim to a sophisticated cyber attack and that its use database had been breached. In the days following the attack a curious Pastebin posting appeared online, offering to sell eBay's breached database for 1.45BTC. However, eBay insists the database on sale is not authentic. The hack. The security breach has been described as one of the biggest cyber attacks of its kind in history. More than 230 million buyers and sellers have an account with eBay and the company is asking all of them to change their passwords. The number....

Filipino Breach: How Blockchain Can Bring Privacy Revolution To Masses

Personal data of 55 million Filipinos, including their fingerprints, was recently hacked and posted online, but the international media don't seem concerned. All we hear is Putin, Cameron, Abitabh Bachchan and the juicy Panama Papers. People's privacy seem to be of no concern. Does privacy of the masses matter and who is responsible for it? The leak of data from the Philippines Election Commission follows other large government leaks, from Turkish Residency Database to the US Office of Personnel Management files. In March 2016, there was a massive breach in the database of the Philippines'....

The Blockchain Alleviates Growing Database Security Concerns

Osterman Research recently completed what it calls a “first-of-its-kind” database security industry report. According to the study, just 19 percent of organizations enjoy “excellent” visibility into data and database assets. As Osterman states, “this level of visibility is necessary to rapidly identify a data breach.” 47 percent of those surveyed do not have a team or individual to monitor their database security. Called “Identifying Critical Gaps in Database Security,” research for the report was conducted from February until April to figure out how well organizations were prepared to....