The Role of Bitcoin Paywall in Improving Online Media
Media platforms can offer a better experience to its users by getting rid of ads and compensating for the revenues by introducing a bitcoin paywall. Online advertisements have become a nuisance that internet users are fed up with. As the users try to make peace with online advertisements, the ads continue to become more obtrusive, forcing people to find alternate measures like ad blockers. One of the topics discussed at the recently concluded Blockchain+Digital Currencies conference was related to the role of digital currencies in improving the online media experience. Advertisements are....
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As planned, the Chicago Sun-Times has put in place a paywall, as originally reported in January. The paywall, which isn't much of a paywall at all, to be honest, is a 24-hour testing trial that allows users to donate bitcoin to the Taproot Foundation. Users are able to "donate" a tweet or donate bitcoins in the amount of their choosing. But a donation is not required to view Sun-Times content, at this time. San Francisco-based bitcoin paywall company BitWall is behind this, and the Sun-Times has become the start-up's biggest client thus far. The trial is designed to provide both the....
The 9th most popular newspaper in the United States - the Chicago Sun-Times - will reportedly trial a bitcoin paywall for a 24-hour period on February 1st, making the publication the first major news media outlet to do so. Readers of the publication will be prompted to either donation bitcoin or tweet in support of the Taproot Foundation (a non-profit that offers a number of marketing and management services to other non-profits) in order to gain access to the Sun-Times content. It's all coming together with a partnership with BitWall, the San Francisco-based start-up that builds bitcoin....
Bitcoin paywall provider BitWall is partnering with the Chicago Sun-Times to conduct a 24-hour bitcoin paywall test. The experiment, the first of its kind for a major US publication, will happen on the Sun-Times website on 1st February. Readers accessing articles during this time will see an overlay "wall" before accessing an article. They will be given the option to pay to see the article with bitcoin, or to tweet the story for access. "We continue to experiment and test new technologies that we believe engage our readers and look forward to being the first major USA newspaper to test a....
Readers who visit the Chicago Sun-Times today will notice something they aren't likely to have seen before: a bitcoin paywall separating them from their content. The Chicago Sun-Times is the ninth-largest newspaper in the United States, and the first major US publication to trial a bitcoin paywall. Instead of paying for a subscription, as patrons of the The Wall Street Journal or the Financial Times do, Chicago Sun-Times readers who visit the site on 1st February will be asked to donate bitcoin payments to the Taproot Foundation, or tweet about the nonprofit, in order to read articles. The....
Email paywall system Mailman has won Coinbase's second hackathon, which gave away $70,000 worth of bitcoin in prizes. The system, which rewards consumers in bitcoin and uses the blockchain to filter spam messages, received a $10,000 prize in bitcoin and a place on Boost VC's bitcoin accelerator class, reportedly worth $50,000. Coming in second and receiving a prize of $5,000 was SatoshiPay, a bitcoin paywall for publishers. Remittance aggregator Rebittance came third, receiving $3,000, while BlockchainME, a tool which creates verifiable IDs on the blockchain, came in fourth and received....