Suspects State Sponsored Attacks on Bitcoin Core Release Suspects State Sponsored Attacks on Bitcoin Core Release has posted a notice on the website warning the Bitcoin community about a potential attack by state-sponsored hackers targeting Bitcoin Core release. Bitcoin has been in the government’s crosshairs across the world since it became popular. Now, a new warning has surfaced on – the quasi-official Bitcoin website expressing concerns about a potential threat. The latest update on the website cautions the Bitcoin community to be “extra careful” while downloading the new updates. With a new Bitcoin Core release around the corner, the website anticipates an attack by....

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Bitcoin Developers Warn New Core Release Could Be Targeted by State Sponsored Hackers, the Bitcoin Core website, has warned users to be vigilant downloading binaries for the upcoming 0.13.0 Bitcoin Core release because it will likely be targeted by state-sponsored attackers. does not believe it has the resources to defend against the attack. The Chinese bitcoin community is especially warned. A key is recommended for download. Warning: Uses Could Lose Coins. Not being careful before downloading binaries could result in the loss of all of a user’s coins, the website warned. The malware could also cause a computer to participate in attacks against the.... Warns of Expected Attacks Amid Upcoming Bitcoin Software Release

A new post on the open-source website indicates its contributors have reason to believe the online resource may be targeted by malicious actors following an upcoming software release by Bitcoin Core developers. contributor Cobra-Bitcoin published a post today in which he indicated that certain resources the website intends to post following the Bitcoin Core development update could be the target of unspecified "state-sponsored attackers". At issue, the post asserts, is that generally posts binaries, or executable software versions of Bitcoin....

Core Developer: Chinese Attack on Bitcoin Core Doubtful, a self-reported objective information site in the Bitcoin space, has warned that the Bitcoin Core wallet — the official wallet of Bitcoin — is ripe for an attack. “ has reason to suspect that the binaries for the upcoming Bitcoin Core release [version 0.13.0] will likely be targeted by state sponsored attackers,” the website says in a post that does not elaborate which state may be be behind the threat or the nature of any attack. is owned by the unpopular Theymos, who has weathered accusations of censorship on his BitcoinTalk and r/Bitcoin forums. “As a....

State-Sponsored Chinese Hackers Deploy Bitcoin Ransomware En Masse

While these attacks against US companies have subsided for the time being, there is no reason to believe the Bitcoin malware threat is over. Internet criminals resort to this type of malware to target both consumers and businesses alike, in the hopes of forcing people into paying the associated ransom to restore computer access. One of the most recent waves of Bitcoin ransomware attacks executed against US companies has been allegedly instigated by Chinese hackers. Although corporate espionage and hacking attempts between the US and China are nothing new, it is the first time a large-scale....

Yahoo Hacked, Information on Over 500 Million Accounts Compromised

Yahoo has announced it has lost user information for over 500 million accounts. The tech giant posted a notice this week that information on the accounts over over half a billion users has been compromised. This is allegedly the result of a hack, and a significant range of user data may have been stolen. According to Yahoo: “The account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (the vast majority with bcrypt) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.” The notice closes out with a statement....