What the Experts Tweeted about the Ethereum Hard Fork, Ethereum Classic
In the wake of a $55 million dollar compromise of the DAO, a distributed fund created to fund Ethereum projects, a desperate debate regarding how to rectify the issue came to fruition. The issue at hand was Ethereum’s future change to a proof of stake protocol, whereby the hacker – should he have kept his bounty – would inherit considerable influence for Ethereum. In order to avoid this, the Ethereum team adopted the hard fork policy. All reports from Ethereum posits the hard fork a success. There has been criticism, as many people fear that a blockchain via democratic measures is no....
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Ethereum Classic is all set to get a hard fork of its own soon to counter the sustained DOS attack. Ethereum Classic is on its way to get a hard fork in the next two days. Ethereum recently split into two blockchains following a hard fork introduced by the Ethereum development team a few months ago. The hard fork resulted in two versions — Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). While Ethereum continued to operate on the new fork, a portion of the cryptocurrency community decided to continue with the original Ethereum blockchain, calling it Ethereum Classic. Ethereum recently came under....
The Ethereum Hard-Fork has been a highly divisive event on the cryptocurrency landscape. The hard fork, along with a rescue soft-fork in the weeks prior, has been a godsend to those who invested in The DAO, a smart contract built on Ethereum that ended in one of the most catastrophic implosions in Crypto history. With 12% of the extant Eth tied up in the DAO, The majority of Ethereum hashpower decided to hard-fork to refund DAO investors their money and ‘start fresh.’ Dissent Spawns Ethereum Classic. The methods taken to enact this change on the Ethereum blockchain dissatisfied many,....
Not only Ethereum (ETH), the public blockchain based on smart contracts, has been under Distributed Denial of Service attacks lately. Ethereum Classic (ETC), a blockchain launched on the Ethereum code, has been under a similar attack. Some of the attacks were specific to ETH, while some affected both chains. The attacks made both networks barely usable. Ethereum hard-forked Monday. Ethereum Classic hard forks October 25. “There was only so much that could be done by fixing the clients without making backwards-incompatible changes,” Ethereum Classic project coordinator Arvicco Arvicco told....
The controversial debate over the justification of the Ethereum network’s hard fork immediately led to the creation of Ethereum Classic, an alternative project developed to maintain the original non-forked chain of Ethereum. July 20, Ethereum completed its first hard fork to recover approximately 12 million ETH drained from the DAO by an unknown hacker, due to the underlying vulnerabilities and bugs of the DAO protocol. The successful completion of the hard fork was celebrated and praised by the majority of the Ethereum community, but was heavily criticized by Bitcoin developers and....
Ethereum hard forked today. As per what seemed to be the popular demand, the protocol rules have been updated incompatibly with the existing Ethereum protocol. Users have essentially moved to a new blockchain and left the old one behind. At time of publication, well over 90 percent of hash power on the Ethereum network had moved to the new chain. This fork effectively reverts the existence of the DAO and will reclaim almost all funds taken by an attacker a month ago, to return them to the original investors. But the hard fork also marks the launch of a spin-off project: Ethereum Classic.....