Online Betting Site Tonybet Accepts Bitcoin
Tonybet.com, an online betting and gaming site, has started to allow players to make deposits in bitcoin, then convert the funds to regular currency while playing, the company announced on its website. TonyBet is managed by Tonybet OU in Tallinn, Estonia and is licensed and regulated by the Estonian gaming authorities. Tonybet.com has partnered with the SpectroCoin cryptocurrency wallet in hopes of becoming one of the first well-established gaming sites to accept bitcoin. Players will be able to deposit and withdraw funds in bitcoin, but will convert them to regular currencies while....
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With Bitcoin establishing its presence in the online gaming market, Tonybet.com started accepting deposits in the digital currency. An all-around online gaming site has announced it has partnered up with the SpectroCoin e-wallet to become one of the first recognised and well-established gaming sites to accept Bitcoin. The site will allow its players to deposit and withdraw funds in Bitcoin, but will convert them to regular currencies while in-play – a feature absent from most sites accepting digital currencies. The site officials said their intension was to make Tonybet more accessible to....
With Bitcoin establishing its presence in the online gaming market, Tonybet.com started accepting deposits in digital currency. 24th August 2016 – With Bitcoin establishing its presence in the online gaming market, Tonybet.com started accepting deposits in digital currency. An all-around online gaming site has announced it has partnered up with the SpectroCoin e-wallet to become one of the first recognised and well established gaming sites to accept Bitcoin. The site will allow its players to deposit and withdraw funds in Bitcoin, but will convert them to regular currencies while in-play –....
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Whether you’re into online sports betting or playing online poker, here are some ways that the bitcoin has changed, and improved, the online gaming industry. Even though cryptocurrency is relatively new in comparison to the history of online gaming, the bitcoin has made a number of positive changes to the online gaming industry and it looks like it may be here to stay. While many of us are familiar with the advantages of using bitcoin for a variety of online businesses, unless you’re a hardcore and frequent online gamer, the benefits of cryptocurrency has probably been overlooked. Whether....