Bitcoin’s Next Frontier: Television
New television series cements the digital currency in primetime. Bitcoin has made its way into the popular mind and most recently this can be seen with depictions in television, of which there have been a great many. But, perhaps most interesting, entire series are taking Bitcoin on as the main plot point, further cementing bitcoin’s relevance to mainstream culture. In 2013, as the price of bitcoin skyrocketed to $1200, bitcoin creeped into the mainstream media dialogue. From there, it appeared in more than one movie. As the center of the film’s script, Bitcoin played a key role in the....
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Singularity, a new television series created by SingularDTV will be available next year. The studio many also develop blockchain based DRM along with it. Read more There is something special about science fiction. What can be imagined today can eventually be turned into reality in the near future. Some of the classic examples include robots, envisioned by Isaac Asimov and the tricorder from Star Trek, both are a reality now. The progression of technology in the coming days, powered by blockchain among other technologies is not really too far-fetched when it comes to the new upcoming....
Over the last few years, fans of television and film have seen a shift in content consumption during the highly public “streaming wars” around the world. The entertainment industry moved away from physical stores and DVDs, into the digital streaming model. Now, the blockchain and its decentralized philosophy offers fans a more immersive way to […]
Newnote Financial launched a national television campaign for its ambitious integrated Bitcoin services. Cryptocurrency centered financial companies are getting pretty fancy. Vancouver-based Newnote Financial recently evolved from a resource exploration company, Winrock Resources, to financial and technology company focused on integrated platforms built for cryptocurrencies. Ever since, the company's developers have been furiously working on a number of unique new projects. To kick off the ambitious integrated platform, it recently launched a national television campaign, a first for....
Publicly-traded Urban Television Network Announced They Are Expanding Their Operations To Include Bitcoin Mining Starting In November.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) raised concerns about the strengthening financial surveillance through the proposed crypto regulations announced by the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The Nonprofit Organization Is Concerned About New Rules on Self-Hosted Crypto Wallets Proposed by FinCEN According to the nonprofit organization based in the United States, the FinCEN is trying to undermine “one of the most important aspects of cryptocurrencies from a civil liberties perspective,” which can provide privacy protections for their users.....