The FTC Just Gave Us Simple Advice for Preventing Ransomware
A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) panel said on Wednesday that while the threat of ransomware can be scary, simple “cyber hygiene,” or in other words, routine and basic security measures, are often enough to sufficiently counter these online attacks. FTC Panel Talks Ransomware. Nevertheless, the panel did not want to downplay the threat, or the damage ransomware has caused everyday users who have been victimized by attackers Chad Wilson, the Director of Information Security at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington D.C., did not mince words regarding his feelings toward....
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The year 2016 has been quite successful for Bitcoin ransomware developers so far. After crippling two major hospital systems in quick succession, it was a matter of time until new guidelines would be established. The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was created to address these malware threats. The vast majority of healthcare organizations is clueless when it comes to understanding and preventing ransomware attacks. This new guideline by the US Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights should provide additional information on how this malware works. More....
The public and private sectora are now joining forces to stop ransomware as part of an international initiative to combat cybercrime. Groups participating in the project include Intel Security, Kaspersky Lab, the Dutch National Police and Europol. International Crackdown on Ransomware. The initiative, called “No More Ransom,” has a simple goal: make it more difficult for cyber criminals to capitalize on ransomware by outsmarting them. The organizers plan on doing this by both offering people decryption keys and advice on how to avoid becoming victims in the first place, thus avoiding....
The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has some advice for cryptocurrency investors. “I would never discourage you from buying crypto,” he said, adding that he himself owns ethereum.
Jim Cramer’s Advice on Crypto Investing
Jim Cramer, the host of Mad Money, gave some advice regarding cryptocurrency investing on CNBC Make It Wednesday. Cramer is a former hedge fund manager who co-founded Thestreet.com, a financial news and literacy website.
“I think crypto should be part of a person’s diversified portfolio,” he began,....
Ransomware remains one of the most worrying threats to IT infrastructure in this day and age. Hackers are not worried about who they target with this malware, as long as there is a monetary gain on the horizon. The Los Angeles County health department is one of the latest targets in a major ransomware attack. This news comes on the heels of the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center facing a similar threat, forcing them to pay US$17,000 in Bitcoin to have access restored. Los Angeles County Health Department Attack. While this ransomware attack against the Los Angeles County Health....
Europol, the Dutch national police, McAfee, Intel Security and Kaspersky Labs have spent this past summer helping victims of ransomware. Calling themselves the “No More Ransom Project,” the group helps people learn about ransomware and how to prevent it, as well as offering tools to help victims recover lost data. A Web Portal Dedicated to Preventing and....