Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What’s On This Morning
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. That’s another week gone in the bitcoin markets, and to be honest, it’s been a pretty dull turnout. We’ve had the odd scalp breakout, and in turn, the odd profit, and we are heading into the close net up on the markets (which can only be a good thing), but it hasn’t been anything to write home about. With any luck, we will get a bit of volume over the weekend (even better, during today’s morning session) and we will be able to get in on some sustained momentum breakouts. So, with that said, let’s get a look at what....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. Right then. Friday morning, a day left of the business week, and what a week we’ve had in the bitcoin price. There’s been so much volatility that the action has eclipsed that which we saw last week (and comparatively, last week was a lot more volatile than the week before) and we’ve had numerous opportunities to get in and out of the markets according to the rules of our intraday strategy. Boy did we take them. We’re heading into the close of the week sitting on a nice profit, and we’d like to close out with a....
Here's what we are focusing on this morning in the bitcoin price. In last night’s bitcoin price watch analysis piece, we highlighted a range that was quite a lot wider than those we have looked at across the last few weeks. This was in response to the volatility we saw over the weekend, and the opportunity this afforded us for an intra-range approach, rather than just our standard breakout strategy. Overnight, action didn’t mimic the volatility that we saw on Sunday, and pretty much just trended within the range we had predefined. Admittedly, it was a wide range, so it was optimistic to....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. Okay, we’re off to a fresh start for the week in our bitcoin trading, and it is time to take a look at what’s happened over the weekend, and see if we can figure out where we expect price to go during today’s European morning session. With any luck, we will get some volatility, and be able to get in and out of the markets according to our intraday strategy. Over the weekend, price remained relatively flat, and we didn’t see that much in the way of breakout action. We did manage to get in on a couple of short term....
Here’s what we are focusing on for this morning’s session in the bitcoin price. Well, we have come to the end of the week in the bitcoin price, and it’s time for our penultimate price watch analysis. It’s Friday morning, and a look back at action across the week so far shows a pretty flat few days, with intermittent spikes of volatility, but nothing to write home about. With any luck, as we head into this weekend, there will be some sustained momentum that we can get on the back of and ride out to a profit. This isn’t guaranteed, but those who have followed our analysis across the last few....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. So here we go, off for the last day of this week’s worth of trading in the bitcoin price. Throughout this week we managed to get some pretty decent action, and this allowed us to pull out a decent batch of market profits. For the final day of the week, we’re hoping for much of the same. Things have been relatively volatile overnight, and this bodes well going forward for today’s session. Even if it doesn’t suggest volume, it gives us some nice well defined levels to go at, and these levels can be easily....