European Parliament Document Suggests Future of Democracy Linked to Blockchain-Enabled E-Voting
Regardless of one’s opinions about the outcome, the recent Brexit referendum in the U.K. should be considered a welcome example of direct democracy. In fact, letting the citizens express their preference on important issues, bypassing the intermediation of politicians, is often desirable. Why, then, isn’t direct democracy used more often? One reason is....
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Calling electronic voting “inevitable,” a new paper by Philip Bucher for the European Parliament speculates on the possibility of Bitcoin’s revolutionary blockchain technology to bring transparency, efficiency, and greater fairness to elections in its various member democracies. The paper first notes that because electronic voting is in its infancy, there are still many unknowns, but then jumps straight to the point: Now we have a further choice; to continue trusting central authorities to manage elections or to use blockchain technology to distribute an open voting record among citizens.....
A think tank run by the European Parliament recently released a discussion paper on the use of bitcoin and blockchain technology in elections, analyzing the topic through the broader lens of electronic voting. Published on 29th September, the paper was authored by Phillip Nicholas Boucher, a researcher for the European Union Think Tank. Boucher wrote that adoption would represent a major shift in how trust is managed within the voting process, moving that kind of control "away from central actors", leading to "tech-enabled community consensus". The question, as the....
Democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. This makes election a very important aspect of human existence. Weakness of existing models. The struggle for power and control has seen the weaknesses of existing methods of the electoral processes being explored, exposing the system to the plague of accusations of illegitimacy. Since the advent of the Blockchain and immutable data technology, there have been innovations of voting systems claiming to make it trustless, transparent and....
The right kind of synergy between blockchain and biometrics will unleash the power of decentralized voting. Voting is a very important part of any democracy, as it gives its citizens the chance to participate in the democratic governance process. In a democracy, the objective of voting is not just the creation of government but a collective effort that drives the interests of the society and the economy.The fundamental objective of voting across the world is to ensure that it happens in a fair and transparent way. The traditional ballot system has existed for years, but it’s safe to say....
The European Parliament has appointed a regulator for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. In the end, these efforts will be futile, as the decentralized nature of the Bitcoin protocol is resistant to external influence. EU Parliament Seeks a Crypto Watchdog. The European Parliament and ECB are not on the same page regarding Bitcoin. A few weeks ago, there was a....