Scaling Bitcoin Milan: A Recap of the Conference’s Scalability Discussions
Scaling Bitcoin 2016, “Retarget,” was held this past weekend on October 8-9 for the engineering and academic community. The event, created in 2015, offers the development community a place where they can discuss how to safely scale and decentralize the Bitcoin protocol. In order to aid the consensus process, Scaling Bitcoin has been held in Montreal,....
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The Scaling Bitcoin workshop is coming to Milan from October 8-9. Hosted in the Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci in Milano, Italy, the workshop will showcase technical proposals for Bitcoin scalability solutions. On Saturday afternoon, Bitcoin investor Roger Ver and associates will host a “free speech party” for attendees — covering topics....
There is no shortage of ideas about how to meet the bitcoin scaling challenge. More importantly, however, is the willingness of the community to share its ideas and work on ways to bring them to fruition. This much was obvious from this weekend’s Scaling Bitcoin “Retarget” conference held at the Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy. This year’s two-day conference, designed to present solutions to the scalability challenge, featured a host of speakers and drew an enthusiastic attendance. The conference provided a venue where developers, miners and researchers can....
The lineup for the third edition of the bitcoin developer conference Scaling Bitcoin is now available. Released today, the lineup features a heavy emphasis on talks devoted to scaling, or proposed improvements that would boost the transaction capacity of the bitcoin protocol. Planned talks include "Sidechain Scaling" by Bloq’s Paul Sztorc and "Progress on Scaling via Client-Side Validation" by developer Peter Todd. The event is scheduled to be held from 8th to 9th October in Milan, Italy, at Politecnico di Milano. The full program is divided into six sections including....
Welcome to the Bitcoin 2022 conference’s best day recap. Audiovisually, the Bitcoin Magazine staff stepped up its game. The livestream transmission was much more professional and tv-like than the Industry Day one. The stand-out performance was Coin Stories’ Natalie Brunell hosting the news desk, that woman knows what she’s doing. Over at the Nakamoto Stage, […]
The Scaling Bitcoin conference, held at the Politecnico Milan, returned for its third iteration this weekend, with the focus throughout the speaking slots and workshops shifting away from scaling alone. Emphasizing that Bitcoin faces a more diverse set of challenges, this year’s edition of the technical conference included a broad range of topics. Chief among them was fungibility — the idea that each bitcoin should be as valuable as any other bitcoin, regardless of transaction history. The tone for this third Scaling Bitcoin edition was set with the workshop’s first overview presentation....