Trust Disrupted: TechCrunch Premieres Bitcoin and Blockchain Video Series
On October 10, TechCrunch a leading technology site that profiles startups as well as hot internet trends and tech news, premiered its first ever series on Bitcoin and the blockchain. Hosted by New York Times reporter and author of Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money Nathaniel Popper, “Trust....
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What is the blockchain? Where did bitcoin come from? And are bitcoin and blockchain still competing? These are the kinds of questions up for grabs in TechCrunch's new streaming series, "Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain". Launching yesterday, the show explores how global finance is being forced to change and adapt thanks to the arrival of this technology. Narrated by New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper, the series seeks to answer the all-too-difficult question of what actually makes a blockchain. Taken a step further, it explores how the same entities that bitcoin....
TechCrunch creates a new blockchain series, Backpage.com’s CEO is arrested, and Antshares raises a lot of money. Want to catch up on your latest digital currency and tech news? Check out the stories below. TECHCRUNCH. The news publication will release a six-episode series called “Trust Disrupted.” The topic: cryptocurrencies and the blockchain. TechCrunch seems to believe that Bitcoin and related digital currencies are among the hottest inventions of the last ten years, and the series is aiming to educate the general public about their uses. The series will feature New York Times reporter....
Quantum computers may end Bitcoin, all episodes of Trust Disrupted are available to view, and Jaxx vows to go international. Want to catch up on your latest digital currency and tech news? Read the stories below. TRUST DISRUPTED. The new show, brought to you by TechCrunch, is now completely available for audiences’ viewing pleasure. The first season of the show, which delves deeply into digital currency and blockchain usage, is hosted by New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper, and comprised of six episodes, which cover everything from Bitcoin to Ethereum. The entire season can be viewed....
TechCrunch's new series on Bitcoin and blockchain to be available on the platform's YouTube channel, starting Monday. Bitcoin is probably the hottest invention of the last decade. At the current rate of growth, combined with its limitless potential, Bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology may become the most disruptive revolutionary technological invention of this century. Irrespective of individual opinions, it is impossible to ignore the cryptocurrency revolution. TechCrunch, the online technology magazine is convinced of Bitcoin’s legacy. Acknowledging the popularity of Bitcoin and....
If you’re up for a weekend of binge-watching, Trust Disrupted may be the show for you. The new series by TechCrunch, which delves deep into blockchain technology and digital currency usage, was announced earlier this month, and all six episodes are available to view. While Trust may be the first television show to fully cover bitcoin, it’s not the first time the digital currency has made an appearance on a syndicated program. Fans of Mr. Robot on USA network were treated to a subplot last season involving a character who frustratingly starts bitcoin services, only to see his servers crash....