Overstock to Start Trading Equity on Its T0 Blockchain Platform
Overstock announces its intention to start trading its own stocks on T0 blockchain platform. Overstock, one of the leading e-commerce platforms has announced the plan to start trading its own stocks on its proprietary blockchain platform. T0, as the platform is called, has been in development since over an year, and is expected to feature improved equity trading settlement services. The announcement to start using T0 was made by the company’s communications director, Judd Bagley at the ongoing Money 2020 event in Las Vegas. Overstock’s decision comes weeks after the T0 platform started....
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On Tuesday morning at the Money 20/20 Conference in Las Vegas, Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock and t0, announced the historic arrival of trading publicly offered Overstock shares on the t0 blockchain. Overstock Moving Forward With t0. Starting on December 15th, individuals who purchased Overstock shares by the November 7th record date will qualify to purchase shares of its preferred stock, including preferred shares to be issued and traded exclusively on the t0 platform. As such, Overstock will become the first company to legally trade a publicly listed security on a blockchain solution.....
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