Using Blockchain to Fight the Fake Diploma Nightmare
Fake college diplomas and other credentials are a huge problem in this age of professional-grade copying and printing services. However one smart contracts startup says it’s another use-case opportunity for the blockchain. Use the Blockchain, Not Your Own Database. Singapore-based Attores says it has the technology to allow training companies and....
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PRESS RELEASE. Zug, Switzerland, 5 Jan 2022: For many years, getting a diploma from a university or other institution was the only way to prove you possess specific skills for a job. However, the question arises to what extent a diploma proves that a candidate is able to perform in a job. With the introduction of assessments and online development courses based on extensive scientific research, the means to measure and develop skills are increasing. This is a great innovation for both employers and employees. Employers can recruit more precisely based on the skills that are required for....
Two public schools in El Salvador are offering a vocational course that teaches Bitcoin as a skills-based diploma and counts towards graduation.
Blockchain technology implemented in the media industry will help to prevent fake news from spreading. Fact-checking agencies are in charge of verifying facts and claims in the news that may be distorted in the process of rewriting or for any political purposes. The news text may consist of truthful information written in a neutral format peculiar to the news, but one sentence may contain a false fact or claim whose origin is unknown. In addition, the state itself has begun to produce false information, as was the case with former U.S. President Donald Trump’s famous Twitter account.The....
If the Bitcoin blockchain validates financial transactions, why not use it to validate other things from the real world? That’s what startup founders Franco Amati, Federico Bond, and Gonzalo Blousson from BitCourt seem to have thought when they founded BitCourt; the first startup to digitize certificates in the blockchain as transparently as possible. Academic fraud is a serious concern in Argentina where even the current president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, is thought to have forged her academic diploma. Some extreme cases have nothing to envy the famed forger Frank Abagnale—of....