Mike Hearn: Bitcoin Farewell Post Was No 'Banker Conspiracy'
Former bitcoin core developer Mike Hearn has issued a follow-up post in response to his controversial farewell letter to the industry. Issued last week and widely regurgitated in the media, Hearn’s declaration that the bitcoin project had “failed” drew massive, and mostly negative, attention, due to its implications for an important and long-standing industry debate. As a result, it wasn’t long before theories emerged suggesting that the post and its media placement may have been encouraged by his new firm R3CEV, the secretive startup working to build distributed ledger technology with....
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Mike Hearn has penned a new post as a follow-up to his much-discussed and debated public farewell to Bitcoin. The world’s media went critical, thermo-nuclear critical, when Mike Hearn – a former core developer in the open-source project that is Bitcoin, deemed it a ‘failed experiment’ and revealed he was done with the cryptocurrency. Hearn’s declaration resulted in massive coverage that was predominantly negative and dismissive of bitcoin, using a former core developer’s words to aid the overall narrative. The widespread attention, negative or otherwise was predictable. So too were....
Reaching consensus can be difficult, and that’s something Mike Hearn wanted to tell the world on January 14th. In a Medium post, he calls “The resolution of the Bitcoin experiment” long-time Bitcoin developer Mike Hearn has left the industry. The statement that is quite long goes into a very detailed testimony to why he’s left and that he sold all his bitcoins. Mike Hearn former Google engineer and the first person to implement Bitcoin in Java, lead developer of the controversial XT fork, and a person whose software he’s “written has been used by millions of users” is all done with the....
The news this past week has been dominated by the announcement of Mike Hearn leaving the Bitcoin scene for good. Hearn posted a very long and detailed explanation of why things are not going the way he thinks they should in the world of Bitcoin, and his words were gratefully picked up by mainstream media. But what is the hidden message behind these words? Even though a lot of people are on the fence regarding what Hearn said in his post on Medium, there are some valid points to be found in his comments. First of all, there is the problem of intermediary services and people trying to take....
For an industry recently shaken by the grasps of censorship on the most popular Bitcoin forums on the internet, where thousands of people interested in the tech turn to learn, the scorn for Mike Hearn has been telling. Hearn, who wrote in a Medium post he was leaving Bitcoin, has been trending in the Bitcoin industry for a fortnight now. So what did Hearn say? In his post, “The Resolution of the Bitcoin Experiment,” Hearn made numerous assertions, such as: But despite knowing that Bitcoin could fail all along, the now inescapable conclusion that it has failed still saddens me greatly. The....
Mike Hearn decided to clear the air as he made public a chat between Gregory Maxwell and himself. A popular reddit post called “Thank You Mike Hearn” had found its way to the front page with what seems to be a copy & pasted debate between Hearn and Maxwell arguing over Bitcoin scale. “It was well …. understood that the users of Bitcoin would wish to....