The ‘ARK TEC’ ICO Offers an Opportunity to Be Part of the next Generation Blockchain Ecosystem
The ARK TEC ICO allows investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts to be part of the ARK Ecosystem for next generation blockchain solutions. ARK, the development team behind new age blockchain products and services has announced the launch of their upcoming ICO. The initial coin offering, better known in ARK’s terms as Token Exchange Campaign or ARK TEC is slated to go live on November 7, 2016. During the 34-day long ICO period, investors can take part in the distribution of the ARK tokens while leveraging upon the bonus offers. ARK is known to create innovative blockchain based solutions by....
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Guggenheim’s Scott Minerd on ‘the Greatest Investing Opportunity of a Generation’
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Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton explores the structure and process of a successful Initial Coin Offering (ICO), its pitfalls, traps and the essential things you need to know as both investors and entrepreneurs. Laying the foundation for next generation Capital Markets. An Initial Coin Offering is now part of the Blockchain ecosystem used successfully by entrepreneurs and investors who want to be part of the Blockchain Revolution as in Don Tapscott’s words we are moving to the Internet of Value or what others refer to as Web 3.0. With ICOs proving increasingly popular mechanism for....