Legacy Film, Video Players "Open to Possibility" of Blockchain Tech, Says SingularDTV CEO
SingularDTV CEO, Zach LeBeau, believes that achieving a decentralized and equitable global film and video ecosystem is likely to result from building more, not fewer, bridges among blockchain, digital currency and legacy players. In an interview with Bitcoin Magazine, LeBeau confirmed that SingularDTV, which is building an entertainment industry....
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Films or series that discuss cryptocurrencies are vital to bringing about awareness and ultimately mainstream adoption, says Zach LeBeau, producer and mastermind behind both the SingularDTV decentralized entertainment platform and a soon-to-be crowdfunded Singular television series. SingularDTV is a Blockchain entertainment studio, smart contract rights management platform and video on demand portal that places intellectual property in the form of film, television and software projects onto the Ethereum Blockchain. LeBeau believes film projects are a sure way to spread the message of....
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