One in Four Bitcoin Nodes Are Now Upgraded for SegWit
Bitcoin network data shows that 25% of nodes worldwide are now running code for Segregated Witness. Proposed late last year as a means to scale the bitcoin network, the upgrade was released last month by the volunteer development community Bitcoin Core in its latest software version. SegWit was put forward in a bid to increase the network’s transaction capacity without increasing the block size limit, drawing both praise and criticism from some quarters of the community amid a contentious debate. Network data suggests that the software version including SegWit is now the most commonly used....
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Last week, Bitcoin Core version 0.13.1 was released, officially bringing Segregated Witness (SegWit) to Bitcoin. 4 days in, 13.7% of Bitcoin nodes has already upgraded to Bitcoin Core 0.13.1, supporting the activation of SegWit. SegWit is an innovative scaling technology developed and introduced by the Bitcoin Core development team. Once it reaches a soft fork activation threshold, it will separate the transaction signatures from the initial transactional data, which immediately increases the capacity of blocks and eliminate transaction malleability. Like all soft forks, the SegWit release....
Over the past month, many Bitcoin exchanges, startups and experts weighed in on the debate between Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) supporters. The main claim of SegWit supports is that nearly 60 percent of nodes within the Bitcoin network are supporting the activation of SegWit. According to 21 Inc’s Bitnodes, approximately 56 percent of all Bitcoin nodes are in support of Bitcoin Core 0.13.0 and the other two minor updates of Bitcoin Core which includes SegWit support on testnet. What is the debate about exactly? In comparison, BU supporters and developers,....
Remember Windows Vista? The new Coke? An upgrade is not always a good thing until it is a good thing. Yet, without making changes and testing, things will never improve. Bitcoin Core is also going to be upgraded and hopefully things will be better for the cryptocurrency after it comes out. The new version is 0.13.0, and this release brings several new features, but the chief among them is Segregated Witness (Segwit) which is likely to solve some crucial issues which has plagued Bitcoin such as scalability and malleability. Doing more with less. Segwit is a proposed solution to the slowness....
IOHK wants to see at least 75% of new blocks coming from upgraded nodes, along with two other "critical indicators" before implementing the Vasil hard fork. Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), the blockchain company behind the Cardano network says the much anticipated Vasil hard fork is “ever closer” after revealing the state of three critical indicators that will trigger the mainnet update. In a Twitter thread posted on Aug. 25, IOHK shared its latest “rollout status” of the Vasil upgrade to its 265,800 followers, with updates on “three critical mass indicators” which will determine when the....
SegWit is short for Segregated Witness. It was perhaps the biggest Bitcoin protocol upgrade to date, which wrapped several improvements and fixes into one. Further Reading: What Is Bitcoin? What Are the Benefits of SegWit?As probably its most notable fix, SegWit got rid of transaction malleability. ...