Zcash Launches Amid Controversy
Zcash, the much anticipated anonymous coin launched today after years in development with the genesis block mined around 17:10 GMT . The currency has a slow start, with only a few coins mined at the beginning to see that everything is operating as intended. Thereafter, block reward reaches 12.5 Zec every 2.5 minutes, halving every four years until a limit of 21 million coins is reached of which 10%, amounting to 2.1 million zcash, will be given to the currency founders. Although the currency is based on Bitcoin Core, it uses zk-SNARKs, which allows the system to prove a computation over....
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ZCash seems to take a somewhat similar approach to this industry as Ripple does, which could put them in an awkward legal position. Today is the day on which Zcash will officially launch. This new cryptocurrency has been getting a lot of attention from Bitcoin enthusiasts in recent weeks. With a strong focus on anonymity, this currency could become an interesting contender for established altcoins. But in Italy, the launch of Zcash is greeted with a new bill to ban fully anonymous cryptocurrencies. Italy, along with a lot of other countries around the world, is not overly keen on....
The highly anticipated launch of ZCash was significantly overhyped, particularly on cryptocurrency exchanges including Poloniex, which currently demonstrate a price of nearly 9 BTC, a value worth around $6300 per ZEC (ZCash). Despite its high value and support from various investment firms including Pantera Capital and Digital Currency Group, it has already triggered some major discussions and criticisms on its principles and mining mechanism. Controversy. Upon the launch of ZCash, Poloniex and other prominent cryptocurrency exchanges placed a value of $20,000 per ZEC, considering its....
Despite the controversy that trailed its release, and it being considered as a risky investment, Hashflare has just announced that Zcash has entered the list of its mining contracts. Though some exchanges have put the first permissionless decentralized cryptocurrency that allows users to completely hide not only the value of their transactions, but also their identity to trade on their platforms. However, while a few cloud mining sites agreed to offer mining services for the currency, the best way to acquire the new currency is by mining until enough tokens become available on exchanges.....
In the game of anonymity, cryptocurrency fans have embraced Bitcoin and the blockchain technology which drives it. The technology does record and stamp the transaction, and is placed in the cloud, unlike Zcash, which sees its alpha release. Zcash has coded a decentralized network using a public blockchain. He and his team, a group of cryptologists, computer science and information security academics, have launched the first public alpha release of the world’s best effort to date of untraceable digital money. Wilcox’s Zcash, a “zero-knowledge proof” alternative to bitcoin, publishes its....
There has been growing controversy over new cryptocurrency Zcash, since a tweet by Edward Snowden suggested that it will encourage tax protests. Snowden’s tweet was attached to a post by The New York Times, where Zcash was described as a “harder-to-trace virtual currency.” Snowden wrote in regard to the article: “Coincidentally, new technologies raise the possibility of unstoppable tax protests.” Selective disclosure. Created by computer scientists at Johns Hopkins University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Zcash has been claimed to have secured $3 mln in backing from Silicon....