Free Republic of Liberland Remains Unoccupied Despite President’s Best Efforts
Contrary to what people may assume, the Liberland concept is as bona fide as it gets. Bitcoin enthusiasts are familiar with the name Liberland. This unclaimed piece of land between Croatia and Serbia turned into the Free Republic of Liberland. The country’s first President, Vit Jedlicka, finds himself in a bit of a pickle right now. Due to ongoing issues with Croatan Police, president Jedlicka is incapable of setting foot on his would-be republic. The name Liberland gained mainstream media attention a few months ago. Not only is this free republic rather unique, but the region is also only....
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On April 13, 2015 the Free Republic of Liberland was officially formed by a group of Czech citizens. The newly formed country of Liberland is a three square mile plot of land between Serbia and Croatia. The President of Liberland, Vit Jedlicka, has confirmed that Liberland will not have an official currency nor a printed currency. The country will however, accept all currencies, both bitcoin and other digital currencies. The Free Republic of Liberland is based on a revolutionary vision of freedom from the extensive control and oppression of the world’s governments.
Liberland's President Vít Jedlička is heading out on a diplomatic mission this week to speak with neighboring countries in an effort to increase legitimacy and build rapport. From an official press release released by his office: ... April 27th 2015 in 09:00 AM, President of Liberland Vít Jedlička shall visit Croatia Embassy in Prague (V Průhledu 9, 162 00 Prague 6). He shall present an diplomatic note, officially announcing formation of the new neighboring state, the Free Republic of Liberland, to the Republic of Croatia. In the note, the President also announces sincere intent of the....
The Free Republic of Liberland, a self-proclaimed micronation on the western bank of the Danube river currently using Bitcoin as their national currency, has hinted that it may migrate to a new cryptocurrency. Cointelegraph spoke to Vit Jedlicka, the president of Liberland. Cointelegraph: Your young country chose Bitcoin as your currency. Did anything in particular shape this decision? Vit Jedlicka: We have implemented total freedom in what currency people want to conduct business or pay taxes. We are using Bitcoin as only reserve currency. So all Liberland funds are converted to this....
Vit Jedlička / Facebook. Vit Jedlička, a member of the conservative Party of Free Citizens in the Czech Republic, has declared himself the President of Liberland, a nation upon terra nullius between Serbia and Croatia. Founded upon the principles of freedom, Liberland has received tens of thousands of applications for citizenship in a 3 square mile country where taxes are optional and military is non-existent.
A group of Czech citizens has declared a new state, the Free Republic of Liberland, in a tiny 6-square-kilometer territory along the Danube River between Croatia and the Republic of Serbia. The Liberland territory is not claimed by either of these two states, which according to the group permits it to declare a new "microstate" in compliance with international law. After the Yugoslav Wars, some borderland territories have been disputed, but this area has remained unclaimed. Liberland was created entirely in accordance with international law because it is based on the no man's land which....