SegWit Great for Bitcoin Says BTCC COO as Major Exchange Supports the Solution

SegWit Great for Bitcoin Says BTCC COO as Major Exchange Supports the Solution

On Nov. 16, major Bitcoin exchange and mining pool BTCC COO Samson Mow revealed that the institution Segregated Witness (SegWit) was ready. BTCC officially started to run the SegWit client on Nov. 17, supporting the on-chain scaling solution of the Bitcoin Core development team. Cointelegraph reached out to Mow to learn more about BTCC’s stance on SegWit. He told Cointelegraph: “SegWit is great for Bitcoin. It brings more transaction throughput, fixes malleability, defrags the UTXO set, makes hardware wallets more secure and most importantly, it enables Lightning which will bring instant....

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