Initial Coin Offerings: How To Distinguish Between Good, Bad and Ugly
In recent weeks there has been a raft of activity in the increasingly popular ICO crypto-funding market, with a large number of successful Altcoin launches. The most successful being Ethereum raising $18 mln, who now holds a market cap of $1 bln, Waves raising $16 mln, Lisk $10 mln and several others currently inflight, including Lykke. With the high profile shenanigans surrounding the DOA that poured cold water over ICOs a few months back, and the odd attempted scam reported in the Blockchain press, the appetite for ICOs seems better than ever. So how do you spot a good opportunity? How....
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If you’ve been in the crypto and blockchain sector for a while, you probably remember all the phases of fundraising that the industry has gone through. There have been Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs), Initial Decentralized Offerings (IDOs), and now, Initial NFT Offerings (INOs). In a similar vein to the others, INOs […]
Crypto research firm, Messari says new Defi token offerings or initial dex offerings (IDO) are a reincarnation of initial coin offerings (ICO) and warns average investors to steer clear these. The firm notes that several early participants of IDOs are the ones that typically make off with outsized returns, while others are left deeply in the red. For the rest of the participants, Messari suggests it is better to wait for the market to settle on a price before buying. In a Twitter thread on September 28, the research firm explains that IDOs, which are “conducted on automated market....
Cryptocurrencies can be used for a lot more than just sending and receiving funds. They can also be used directly for decentralized fundraising, either by maintaining continued support via websites like SatoshiVote, or achieving milestones on platforms like Koinify. Initial coin offerings, or "ICOs", occur when the developers create an altcoin and keep some of the starting batch, then sell them to raise funds. The coins could theoretically represent equity in a company, but for regulatory reasons, they typically do not. Instead, they are tokens required to use an associated decentralized....
Initial DEX offerings have a fair bit in common with initial coin offerings but come out on top in cost, effort, and fairness. Initial DEX offerings are the new initial coin offerings. So, what’s the difference between an IDO and an ICO, other than that one letter? A lot actually. In some ways, ICOs and IDOs have more in common with each other than they do with initial exchange offerings, which have more than a few features of the traditional initial public offering of stock markets.While IDOs and IEOs are both listed directly on exchanges — decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, in the case of....
If you are interested in finding out which ICOs you should invest in, you’ve landed on the right page. This article lists the top 5 ICO projects and initial coin offerings in 2022. We know ICOs are often hard to grasp. An initial coin offering (ICO) is the crypto equivalent of an IPO, an initial public offering. ICO requires a lot of knowledge and scrutiny to pick the one with minimum risks that will yield a high return on investment. To ease the search, we discovered the top 5 ICO campaigns for 2022. However, there is a solution. This article covers the five best ICO projects in 2022. The....