Blockchain Presents A New Model For Transactive Energy
Peer-to-peer (P2P) power trading presents a promising use case for blockchain technology and supports transactive energy, according to a report from Navigant Research. Owners of distributed energy resources will be the first stakeholders. Blockchain technology could provide a new model for transactive energy, which refers to the economic and control techniques used to manage the flow or exchange of energy within an existing power system. The report examines the requirements for an energy blockchain, offering case studies, recommendations and implementation challenges for the energy....
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An experimental energy microgrid in Brooklyn, New York, shows how energy-generating homes can become part of a peer-to-peer electricity system, Fast Coexist reports. The project, part of the Brooklyn Microgrid ‒ a distributed energy development group in the Park Slope and Gowanus communities of Brooklyn, creating a connected network for local energy ‒ also shows how distributed ledger technology could enable the emerging "energy Internet." The project starts small: “On one side of President Street, five homes with solar panels generate electricity. On the other side, five homes....
Two Brooklyn residents used the Ethereum blockchain today to facilitate a transaction that let one sell energy directly to the other. The neighbors accomplished the exchange thanks to LO3, a green energy startup working to do to the energy industry what blockchain is already doing to banks. LO3 co-founder Lawrence Orsini said that the exchange is designed to demonstrate how everyday people can use blockchain to facilitate peer-to-peer exchange. Orsini told CoinDesk: “All the projects that we’re working on are squarely focused on the emerging distributed economy, peer to peer concepts.....