Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What We’re Looking At Right Now

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What We’re Looking At Right Now

Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. OK, here we go. A fresh morning’s trading out of Europe, and plenty to go at given overnight action in the bitcoin price. In yesterday evening’s analysis, we noted that price had remained relatively flat throughout the majority of the European session on Monday, and that we might see a bit of volatility in the evening as the US session picked and – beyond that – we headed into the Asian overnight. Well, as expected, we did get a bit of movement, and it meant a couple of things. First, we were able to get in and out....

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Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What we are Looking at This Morning

Here’s what we are focusing on for this morning’s session in the bitcoin price. Well, we have come to the end of the week in the bitcoin price, and it’s time for our penultimate price watch analysis. It’s Friday morning, and a look back at action across the week so far shows a pretty flat few days, with intermittent spikes of volatility, but nothing to write home about. With any luck, as we head into this weekend, there will be some sustained momentum that we can get on the back of and ride out to a profit. This isn’t guaranteed, but those who have followed our analysis across the last few....

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s what we are looking at tonight

Here's what we are looking at for tonight's bitcoin price watch, with a focus on our standard breakout strategy against a slightly altered framework. So the European session has now come to an end in the bitcoin price, and it’s time to publish our take on what action throughout today’s session suggests about what we are looking at for tonight’s session. It has been a pretty interesting 24 hours, with action overnight kicking off the beginnings of what turned out to be a pretty large, sustained upside move – and in doing so – giving us a couple of nice opportunities to get in to the upside....

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What’s On This Morning

Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. Overnight action in the bitcoin price was a little strange. Before the European session shutdown for the evening last night, we published the second of our twice-daily bitcoin price watch pieces, and in the piece, we highlighted what we thought was a relatively tight range as being one to watch from a breakout perspective. Because the range was so tight, we decided not to go at price with an intrarange approach, and – early evening – this seemed to be a solid strategy. We didn’t manage to get into any trades, but....

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s Our Weekend Strategy

Here's what we are looking at for the weekend sessions in the bitcoin price So that’s it – the end of the week. We’ve had some considerable up and down swings in the bitcoin price since Monday, and as we mentioned in the first of our twice daily bitcoin price watch pieces this morning, we’ve been able to get in and out for a profit on a couple of occasions. This morning we highlighted a relatively tight range and set up against price breakouts on this range. This evening, and with the day’s action taken into consideration, we are going to do pretty much exactly the same. Price action today....

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What’s on this Morning

It’s getting to the end of the week, and so far we’ve had plenty to talk about as far as action in the bitcoin price is concerned. Volatility has dominated momentum, and we’ve seen some pretty sharp movements no relatively high volume. This may be because of the underlying fundamentals – the debate as to the identity of Satoshi has catalyzed a breaking through of bitcoin to mainstream media once again – and the added attention has created brought in speculative buyers and sellers. Regardless, our intraday price strategy is in place t8o take advantage of any movement, in either direction.....