To SegWit or Not to SegWit, the Bitcoin Scalability Debate Continues
The latest debate on Bitcoin scalability had Roger Ver and others arguing about whether SegWit is the right approach to expanding and scaling Bitcoin network. What’s the future of Bitcoin? That’s the question on top of the Bitcoin community members’ minds, especially with the whole scalability discussion still going on. One of the scalability solutions presented by the Bitcoin Core is SegWit. The Segregated Witness soft fork is expected to enable Lightning Network, which is already being worked upon by few developer groups. While some believe that SegWit and Lightning Network will ensure....
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SegWit is short for Segregated Witness. It was perhaps the biggest Bitcoin protocol upgrade to date, which wrapped several improvements and fixes into one. Further Reading: What Is Bitcoin? What Are the Benefits of SegWit?As probably its most notable fix, SegWit got rid of transaction malleability. ...
Over the past month, many Bitcoin exchanges, startups and experts weighed in on the debate between Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) supporters. The main claim of SegWit supports is that nearly 60 percent of nodes within the Bitcoin network are supporting the activation of SegWit. According to 21 Inc’s Bitnodes, approximately 56 percent of all Bitcoin nodes are in support of Bitcoin Core 0.13.0 and the other two minor updates of Bitcoin Core which includes SegWit support on testnet. What is the debate about exactly? In comparison, BU supporters and developers,....
ViaBTC, which now controls around 15% of the network hashrate in combination with Roger Ver’s Bitcoin Unlimited pool, has called for a hardfork to upgrade bitcoin’s transaction capacity. “Drop the matter of SegWit, let’s hard fork together,” followed by a resounding no to the question of whether there is anything core could do to make ViaBTC support segwit, are just some of the public statements made by the new pool that has suddenly taken the fourth position in network hashrate distribution. I reached out to better understand the seemingly changing alignments in the great debate by asking....
Over the course of the past few months, a bunch of altcoins are jumping on the Segregated Witness (Segwit) bandwagon. Currently, cryptocurrency enthusiasts are focusing in on Litecoin (LTC) markets because the price is pumping as Segwit nears activation on the LTC network. Litecoin Segwit Activation Draws Near. The scaling debate has been ongoing for....
Remember Windows Vista? The new Coke? An upgrade is not always a good thing until it is a good thing. Yet, without making changes and testing, things will never improve. Bitcoin Core is also going to be upgraded and hopefully things will be better for the cryptocurrency after it comes out. The new version is 0.13.0, and this release brings several new features, but the chief among them is Segregated Witness (Segwit) which is likely to solve some crucial issues which has plagued Bitcoin such as scalability and malleability. Doing more with less. Segwit is a proposed solution to the slowness....