Could Bitcoin’s Price Be in a Bubble?
“It’s going to the mooooon!” pretty much sums up most popular analyses you’ll find about Bitcoin’s price. But do many consider that perhaps quite the opposite may be true? That due to the average person’s deep-seated discomfort with the trappings of cryptography, Bitcoin holders are actually making an incorrect bet — and are smack in the middle of a bubble? This lecture I gave at the University of New Mexico illustrates why if one or more cryptocurrencies doesn’t exit its “PGP” stage, it will not gain enough utility to leave the speculation stage. Hence, bubble. What is a ‘Bubble’ in....
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Has the Bitcoin Value bubble burst? Looking at the most recent prices, we seem readier for a gentle nosedive than a new rollercoaster ride to the top. Many altcoins are heading down too: Litecoin, Peercoin and your beloved Dogecoin are all in a steady slide to the drain of the cryptocurrency world. But looking at the charts below, many would argue that Bitcoin is up for a new rise to 10,000 USD. This recent bubble wasn't the first bubble, and it won't be the last for Bitcoin. Bitcoin price in USD from begin 2013 to June 2014. You see that tiny top in April 2013? That was a bubble just like....