Bitcoin Price Watch; This Evening’s Levels In Focus
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. Things are really picking up now. Price was hovering around the early 800s this morning, but throughout the European session, has gained considerably, and we’re now looking at the 850 mark as a potential near term target. Who would have predicted that? Not us. Well, not this soon, anyway. Of course, our long term view is supportive of this bullish action. Long term holdings benefit from the momentum, and all’s well there. However, as mentioned a couple of times over the last few days, we expected the Christmas....
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The end of the European session is here, and it’s time to take a look at action in the bitcoin price today with a view to setting up a strategy for this evening. We got a bit of volatility earlier today, and managed to get in on a downside break for a quick scalp profit. Whether we will get a repeat of this volatility moving forward remains to be seen – there’s not been too much to speak of across the last few hours, and volume has been pretty weak. This may change as the US session heats up pre-close, and as the Asian session kicks off early morning. With that said, we’ve got a pretty....
Here are the levels in focus for this evening's session out of the US and Asia in the bitcoin price. The day is drawing to a close, and its time to put out the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch pieces. As far as trading days go, this one started out relatively flat, and the action we saw throughout the evening on Wednesday suggested we weren’t going to see anything special come the European open. How wrong this interpretation was. Action throughout today’s session, perhaps buoyed by some positive sentiment across global news media, has seen price boost to fresh weekly highs,....
Here’s what we are focusing on for this evening's session in the bitcoin price. So it’s time for the second of our twice daily bitcoin price analyses, and things aren’t going to be all that different from this morning. Action throughout the day has been relatively flat, although we did get a bit of a breakout, and managed to get into a long entry earlier in the day. This said, we were quickly stopped out, and we enter this evening’s session net flat in the markets. So, with this said, as we head into this evening’s session in the bitcoin price market, what are we looking at from an entry....
Here's what's on for our final session in the bitcoin price watch analysis strategy this week. So we are going to make things as simple as possible for our final price trading session of the week, and narrow our range right in to something like a fifteen dollar split. This gives us the chance to take advantage of any tight movement as we head into the weekend. Why are we doing this? Well, those reading will likely be aware of the action seen across the last few days, and the impact this has had on what we are now looking at as a potential upside price ceiling. However, this said, price has....
The European session is drawing to a close, and it’s heading into lunch time in the US. As usual, this means it’s time for the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analysis pieces, so here goes. First, we will have a quick look at what action threw out today, and then we can interpret this action and use it to try and figure out how we can approach this evening’s trading. So, to kick things off, take a quick look at the chart below. It represents action seen during the last 24 or so hours. As the chart shows, volume this morning was pretty low, and price action has remained well....