Rights Activists Use Bitcoin to Prevent Incarceration of Victimless Criminal Offenders in New Hampshire
Rights Brigade, a New Hampshire-based rights group, is using a Bitcoin-fueled approach to activism to prevent victimless crime culprits from going to jail. The purpose of its Jury Nullification Outreach Campaign is to educate Jurors about their rights so that they could avoid sending innocent people to prison. Statistics show that 86 percent of Americans go to jail for victimless crimes like substance use and public order disturbance. It is tough to understand why people are incarcerated for hurting no one but themselves. Cointelegraph spoke to Joel Valenzuela the founder of the Rights....
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The New Hampshire state legislature held a pair of hearings earlier this month that focused on how the state could create a means for residents to pay taxes and fees using bitcoin. Up for debate is a bill recently filed by state representative Eric Schleien that would open the door for the state to accept bitcoin. The bill is currently being weighed by the New Hampshire General Court Ways and Means Committee. If passed, the bill would allow New Hampshire to partner with a bitcoin company to accept bitcoin payments and receive US dollars. Similar efforts are underway in states like Utah to....
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