The Two Topics in Law and Blockchain
It's rare for any issue in the blockchain industry to escape conversation about legal implications. This past summer, The DAO hack prompted discussion of the legal responsibilities of blockchain developers, and the differences between code and law. The popularity of token crowd-sales has led many to wonder about the application of securities laws to blockchain technology. Virtually every blockchain use case involves considering the capabilities and limitations of smart contract code and smart legal contracts. As such, "law and blockchain" as a subject covers many areas of law. It....
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The Dubai Ministry of Finance (MoF) will co-organize a Fintech seminar with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) during the upcoming World Government Summit. Chief among the topics to be discussed are virtual currencies and the applications of blockchain technology and the wider Fintech services space. The Fintech seminar will see notable keynote speakers such as IMF managing director Christine Lagarde, who will also commence the seminar with a speech; Pierre Gramegna, the bitcoin-friendly Minister of Finance in Luxembourg and; Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial....
All digital currency community members and companies are invited to submit their articles and contributions to Coiners. Finding out more information about the Bitcoin ecosystem is as easy as looking up the term on Wikipedia. At the same time, not all of this information is up-to-date anymore, although the various contributors try to keep things orderly. But in the end, decentralization is all about steering away from existing platforms such as Wikipedia. Coiners is a new platform acting as an open wiki focusing solely on blockchain and digital currency. As amazing as it is to look up....
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Dubai’s Ministry of Finance are to co-host a FinTech seminar focusing on blockchain and digital currencies next month. The mid-February event, announced today, will include notable speakers such as IMF managing director Christine Lagarde, Luxembourg minister of finance Pierre Gramegna, and Dubai minister of state for financial affairs Obaid Humaid Al Tayer. Dubai’s government is already working on blockchain-based systems for use in government services, including as a backup record for official documentation. It has also backed a collaborative....
Financial topics are generally unpleasant. They bore people. They kill excitement and cause a yawn reflex. These fields are also bogged down by esoteric math and jargon. There is nothing sexy about them—but there is something more nefarious at work. These topics cause anxiety because of the way thecurrent system is setup and because of how most people....
One of the biggest and most laureate universities in Latin America approved the launch of a Financial Engineering specialization course, whose modules cover crypto and blockchain-related subjects, marking it a historic landmark across the region’s educational sector. Mexico’s Biggest University Is Set to Teach Crypto Topics on Brand-New Specialization According to the official announcement in its monthly bulletin, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) said that the new course would be available for both full-time and part-time students, with a duration of two....