Mozilla Foundation: Bitcoin’s Technology Bolsters Internet Health
In its Internet Health Report 2017, the Mozilla Foundation points towards a more transparent and decentralized internet, in which the Bitcoin’s underlying technology the Blockchain will play a significant part. What Makes a Healthy Internet? Although we usually think of the internet as a global network that is open and equal to all, this is often not the case. Different countries apply different rules and restrictions, some of them enforcing them with methods like the ones applied with China’s Great Firewall. Lack of openness also damages the internet itself as a global network. According....
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Mozilla, the company behind the highly popular internet browser Firefox, recently started accepting bitcoins through Coinbase toward the Mozilla Foundation. The foundation and initiative look to help protect the open web, collecting donations for their cause. It's an interesting time to be witnessing the browser competition. While Google is taking a stance and working to bring internet connections to the entire world through balloons, Mozilla is working toward internet privacy and open technology. Each company maintains increasingly popular browsers but take it a step further for their....
Mozilla, the team behind the well-known Firefox browser, recently announced that it was including Bitcoin as one of the many ways people can choose to support the organization. Mozilla is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting openness, accessibility, and innovation on the Web. It seems that a lot of Mozilla supporters demanded the ability to donate using bitcoin; Mozilla added a bitcoin payment button to its primary donations form after receiving numerous requests from donors. With this move, Mozilla has joined a growing number of merchants and organizations that accept bitcoin,....
Purveyor of an open web, Mozilla (known for its Firefox browser) is contemplating accepting bitcoins in its fundraising efforts. Reddit user taliesan -- who identifies himself as Geoffrey MacDougall, head of development at the Mozilla Foundation -- has been picking the brains of the Bitcoin community, asking for resources as the company researches whether to take donations in the cryptocurrency. "There are a number of people on my team advocating for it, as well," he said. First kicked off two days ago, the thread on the Bitcoin subreddit has received favorable reactions from fellow users,....
Mozilla Firefox is taking a huge stand for internet privacy. Let's face it: privacy is one of the major forces pushing many cryptocurrencies forward. For example, Darkcoin and Anoncoin are two projects focused directly on keeping transactions as private as possible. Even Bitcoin builds on the back of private financial lifestyle philosophies. Privacy is important and its impact reaches out further than finances alone. Mozilla, the company behind the famous browser Firefox, recently announced a new strategic initiative called Polaris that aims to improve privacy for Mozilla users. According....
Mozilla, the open-source development community behind the popular Firefox web browser, is now accepting bitcoin donations. The Mozilla Foundation, the non-profit entity that provides support for the community's broad open-source development, will be partnering with Coinbase to accept bitcoin contributions. The California-based bitcoin services provider announced the deal on its blog, where it reinforced that, per its policies toward charities, it will not charge fees for the donations it processes. With the news, Mozilla joins the growing number of non-profit organizations that support....