ShapeShift Introduces Prism's Trustless Crypto Asset Portfolios
A ShapeShift Into the World of Trustless Asset Portfolios. “ShapeShift” is a concept describing the ability to change form or identity to adapt to changing conditions. It is also the name of a Swiss-based company that created the world’s first trustless asset portfolio for acquiring digital assets without counterparty risk. Launched today at the....
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ShapeShift.io is one of the best digital currency exchanges in the ecosystem. Users can exchange their coins in seconds, without having to sign up for an account. ShapeShift's mission is to be the fastest, safest, and most convenient way to trade digital assets. This Monday, ShapeShift.io announced the integration of the Ethereum digital asset, Ether onto its trading platform. Ethereum is a network for powering decentralized application in need of a secure transaction ledger that can be used to securely execute a wide variety of services including: voting systems, domain name registries,....
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